API Reference


Processes Service is an implementation of the OGC API - Processes standard.

It is used to start and manage jobs based on a set of supported processes. Those jobs can run for a long time. It is possible to query the status of a running job, cancel a job, etc.

It is used through JMap Cloud for many kinds of tasks like transforming a raster file, analyzing vector data or building a tile cache.

The list of supported processes:

  • VTCS:SEED_MVT_CACHE - Tells VTCS to start filling up a MVT tile cache for a project. This will not overwrite tiles present in the cache.
  • VTCS:RESEED_MVT_CACHE - Tells VTCS to start filling up a MVT tile cache for a project. This will overwrite tiles present in the cache.
  • VTCS:TRUNCATE_MVT_CACHE - Tells VTCS to delete the MVT tile cache for a project.
    DIS:ANALYZE_VECTOR - Used internally to analyze a file of vector data.
  • DIS:LOAD_VECTOR - Used internally to load vector data into the spatial database.
  • MIS:ANALYZE_RASTER - Used internally to analyze a file of raster data.
  • MIS:CONVERT_RASTER - Used internally to convert a raster file to an optimized version.

When a process is executed, JMap will create a job. It's possible to get the status of a job and to get the results. Some jobs can be cancelled. The possible statuses of a job are:

  • Accepted
  • Running
  • Successful
  • Failed
  • Dismissed