API Reference

JMap Cloud API

Welcome to the JMap Cloud API documentation.

JMap Cloud is a geospatial platform used to connect, store, transform, process, query and serve vector and raster geospatial data.

This API reference documentation is for developers who want to programatically use the JMap Cloud services.

Using the API you can:

  • Upload your vector and raster datasets
  • Connect to data collections in the cloud
  • Define permissions on your datasets
  • Organize your data as layers inside a project
  • Style your layers
  • Query and filter your vector data in GeoJSON
  • Edit your vector data (CRUD)
  • Get your vector data as vector tiles (mvt)
  • Query your raster datasets
  • Etc.

Each service plays a different role in the platform. Here are the most useful ones.

Map Configuration Service (MCS): Manage your data sources, projects and layers.

Data Access Service (DAS): Query and edit your vector data. Compatible with the OGC API - Features.

Map Image Service (MIS): Transform and query your raster data. Compatible with WMS.

File Upload Service (FUS): Upload your datasets.

Processes Service (PS): Start and manage long processes. Compatible with the OGC API - Processes.